Nothing in this article is legal advice. Laws change constantly and the information here may be out of date and incorrect when you read this. Always consult your department's legal team before taking any actions. Recently in Maryland v. King (U.S. 6-32013), the United States Supreme Court said, “Yes!” According to the Court, the DNA identification of an arrestee “is a … [Read more...]
Ruger LC380 Review
The Ruger LC380 (Light Carry) handgun is chambered in .380ACP and is made for deep concealment or pocket carry, as is its predecessor, the Ruger LC9 in 9x19mm (introduced in 2011). A side-by-side comparison shows the two, the LC9 and the LC380, to be identical. From the accompanying insert to the owner’s manual: “...the Ruger LC380 has the same basic operational characteristics … [Read more...]
Continuity of Operations Planning
“There’s a COOP meeting tomorrow in the conference room, 0900 hours.” COOP is the acronym for Continuity Of Operations Planning. This announcement is rarely one which brings enthusiasm; it more often elicits groans and requires promises of coffee and a variety of pastry selections. However, the importance of COOP cannot be over-stated, especially given contingencies which … [Read more...]
TKL Outdoors Diamond Black Rifle Case Review
Storing and transporting a rifle is an important aspect of a police department’s overall firearms program, yet it is often addressed as an afterthought by many agencies. When a department spends thousands of dollars for a rifle, optic and accessories, it only makes sense to protect that investment with something more than a cheap padded case bought at the local discount … [Read more...]
Body Armor Update: 2013
This year’s body armor update includes good news about wear rates; not so good news about federal funding; and continued product development for law enforcement’s ever changing needs. In addition to seeing agencies replace vests about every five years, body armor manufacturers report seeing a demand for anti-rifle plates and hard armor plate carriers worn over soft body … [Read more...]
Colt LE6940P Review – The Next Generation AR-15
The Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR), as the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is now identified, is the most popular rifle in the United States. In its original configuration as the M16 with semi- and full-auto capability, it is now the longest serving rifle in our armed forces. In military use, it has undergone, and continues to undergo, refinements as dictated by battlefield … [Read more...]
Critical Space: How to Effectively Shoot at Close Range
If you take a moment to consider a police officer’s real world of work, they do not kill the enemy as the military does; they seek out lawbreakers and take them into custody. That’s a HUGE difference in tactics! The military is constantly looking for ways to engage at greater distances (consider the dissatisfaction of the long-range killing power of the 5.56mm in … [Read more...]
Selecting a Police Sniper
Unfortunately, relatively little consideration is given for selecting personnel for a Of course, I’m a sniper. My name on the memorandum said I was!” Although a legitimate sniper school shouldn’t be afraid to flunk someone who can’t meet the course performance objectives, this is only the last link in the chain of a selection and assessment process which must have its origin … [Read more...]
Optimizing the Police Shotgun
Law enforcement weapons, including the police issue shotgun, are in a constant state of evolution. I have been around this game long enough to see dump pouches give way to speedloaders; auto pistols replace revolvers, and a variety of less-lethal weapons render wooden batons obsolete. Change often takes more time than we like, but, eventually, we get it right and embrace the … [Read more...]
Walther PPQ M2 Review: Excellent Handgun On- or Off-Duty
If the new polymer frame Walther PPQ M2 (Police Pistol Quick Defense) looks familiar, it should. Its form, fit, function and finish is an outgrowth from the Walther P99. The PPQ M2 differs from the modern PP in trigger function in that, after the chamber is loaded, it has a “constant trigger pull” (Walther’s terminology). Translated, this means its striker is fully cocked. … [Read more...]