The United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals decided the case of United States v. Andino on September 16, 2014. The case centered around the warrantless entry by law enforcement into a home based upon the belief by officers that exigent circumstances existed - the destruction of evidence. The subsequent seizure of evidence in plain view once inside the … [Read more...]
Fighting Hallucinogens
Twice in two nights this week, my officers had to fight people who were out of control on hallucinogenic substances. These drugs are a serious cause for concern for law enforcement. In the first instance, an officer rolled up on an unknown situation in the middle of a large intersection. A Good Samaritan was trying to hold down an out-of-control girl who was … [Read more...]
Kentucky v. King: Supreme Court on Exigent Circumstances
Note: The information provided here is from a former police officer and is not legal advice. You should not rely on anything here to make any cases. Contact your department's legal representative for legal advice. On May 16, 2011, the United States Supreme Court officially ruled on an exigent circumstances case brought forth in Kentucky v. King. The Court held that, “The … [Read more...]
Meth Lab Dangers: Who Enters First?
I had an interesting call tonight. A woman calls from a residence stating that she thinks her roommate is trying to cook meth. She tells the 911 operator that he is heating acid on the kitchen stove, lots of noxious smoke is in the house, and she and/or someone else inside the residence is having problems breathing. Dispatch sends three units plus the fire department is also … [Read more...]
Meth Tweakers: Officer Safety Training Tips
Methamphetamine is one of the more dangerous drugs on the street. The manufacture of meth in clandestine labs uses acids, ammonias, and a host of other dangerous chemicals. During the process, things like phosphene gas and yellow phosphorus can be produced with deadly results. It is a nasty process. As dangerous as the meth lab operation is, for most police officers the … [Read more...]
Recognizing Emotionally Disturbed Persons
Emotionally Disturbed Persons, or EDPs, are common encounters for the street level police officer. EDPs fall into three general categories: chemical abusers, short term, and long term. Recognizing what category the EDP falls into may help you in how you deal with the subject. The first category is the chemical abuser. The folks in this category include your crack-heads, … [Read more...]