other illicit substances. Vapor Wake working dogs are specifically trained to detect body worn explosives on a moving target. Unlike traditional EOD teams, trained to view static objects or people as their “productive area”, Vapor Wake dogs are obedient to the odor itself. One of the most prevalent methods of terrorist attack is the Improvised Explosive Device (IED). From … [Read more...]
Appeals Court Rejects Qualified Immunity in K9 Dog Bite Case
The U. S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit considered an appeal in the Florida case of Edwards vs. Shanley and Lovette (11-11512) that involves the question of whether officers are granted qualified immunity when a Police K9 bites a suspect for five to seven minutes during an arrest. In this incident, Orlando Police Ofc. Justin Lovette initiated a traffic stop on a … [Read more...]
K9 Needs Patrol
If your agency has patrol K9’s then you have probably worked with the dogs and handlers at some point. Deployment protocols vary among departments, and from differing geographic terrains. Tracking K9 units need help from their patrol counterparts. A K9 team cannot track as fast as a suspect can run. Contrary to how it looks, the dog does not pull the … [Read more...]