EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another article in BlueSheepDog's commitment to share videos of officers involved in critical incidents, and to debrief those situations for the benefit of our readers. These posts are intended to highlight the officer's good performances and choices, while also taking time to consider "lessons learned" from these events. These posts are not intended to … [Read more...]
Numbers Matter, But They Are Not Magic!
During my 18-year career I've watched hundreds of videos of line of duty officer actions. I've even got a few of mine that I've transferred to DVD from the old VHS tapes. Whether the officers prevailed or evil overcame, each of those videos have been beneficial in reminding us of the threats that can materialize at any moment. There are perhaps no greater training aids … [Read more...]
Life Saving Mindset – Thinking Tactics Outside of the Box!
Let's be honest. A law enforcement officer's job is about 90% routine and about 10% highly dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations. This is almost universally true across the spectrum of American law enforcement, whether you work for a major metropolitan agency, or the small, rural hometown. It's just the nature of the job. And it is the root of complacency. … [Read more...]
BSD Challenge – Officer Ambushed During Traffic Stop
https://youtu.be/1RZXZs-QgSI This article is a continuation of the 2015 BSD Challenge where we challenged officers to view at least one officer involved shooting (OIS) video per week. In an effort to spur that challenge we've decided to add our own videos from time to time. We will include instructional discussion points that we hope officers will ponder and perhaps implement … [Read more...]
Motivational Police Videos
Usually we don't focus our posts on videos, and instead add videos to support our instructional narrative. However, recently there have been a few videos posted to YouTube that are so moving and inspirational that they need to be seen by a wide audience of law enforcement officers and their families. Your job is important. Critically important! Your commitment to your … [Read more...]
In Car Police Cameras
In car police cameras have radically altered our understanding of officer safety. In the past two decades, the videos coming from squad cars have made a huge impact on how instructors present training in the academy and have made lasting impressions on the psyche of many a rookie and seasoned cop. Before the widespread use of video cameras in police cars, trainers … [Read more...]
KCPD Badge Placement Study 2011-2012
In the last few months I was made aware of an incredibly important study conducted by the Firearms Section of the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. The results of that study should have far-reaching implications for any officer who engages in enforcement action during an undercover assignment or while off-duty in plain clothes. The Background for Testing … [Read more...]
Newhall Shooting
The Newhall shooting on April 6, 1970 resulted in the death of four officers with the California Highway Patrol and helped usher in a new era of officer safety training. The shooting, also called the Newhall Incident and the Newhall Massacre, pitted two hardened criminals against two pairs of relatively young officers. Sadly, poor training and planning cost those officers … [Read more...]
Two is One, One is None
It was almost 10 years ago that I started my SWAT experience, and since then I’ve added dozens of new terms and sayings to my vocabulary. Perhaps one of the most enduring, and broadly applicable, is the saying, “two is one and one is none”. The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared”, and that is the basic premise to this saying. Specifically, the premise is that you need a back-up … [Read more...]
Fighting Hallucinogens
Twice in two nights this week, my officers had to fight people who were out of control on hallucinogenic substances. These drugs are a serious cause for concern for law enforcement. In the first instance, an officer rolled up on an unknown situation in the middle of a large intersection. A Good Samaritan was trying to hold down an out-of-control girl who was … [Read more...]