I am an advocate of ballistic shields. They are not only appropriate for law enforcement clearing (slow methodical mode) or safety clears, but, with current weight reductions, can be employed in the slow dynamic technique mode which is a bridge technique between dynamic entries and law enforcement clears. Slow Dynamic Technique Explained Today’s Level IIIA shields are … [Read more...]
A-TACS showed off their new LE Camo pattern at the 2013 SHOT Show last week. The new pattern uses grays, blues and black to create a unique pattern that is supposed to work well with existing black duty gear the officers may already be using. … [Read more...]
SWAT Attitude
A Few Words on the SWAT Attitude... I have lately been talking with a few SWAT guys about their perspectives of their tactical teams. While I won’t go into politics or particulars, I will say a central theme in my many discussions has revolved around attitude. Not as in Attitude with a capital “I’m a badass SWAT guy, so blah, blah, blah.” Attitude, as it relates to … [Read more...]
DELTA Light Ball – Flashbang Alternative?
River Rock Designs announced a new distractionary device that may be a suitable alternative to a flashbang in some circumstances. The Dynamic Entry Lighted Tactical Access, or DELTA, light ball uses a "...super-bright strobe effect and steady-light illuminator [to] initially dazzle and confuse the bad guys and then lights up the target area like daylight." While the … [Read more...]
Armored Mobility Provides Lightweight Level III
Richard, Aaron, and I were meandering around after lunch at 2012 SHOT Show Media Day when we came across the Armored Mobility, Inc (AMI) display. We were able to speak at length with company president Michael Berritto III, who was proud to show us his innovative Mobile Armored Shield (MAS). Quite a few things stood out about this ballistic shield. At NIJ Standard … [Read more...]
SWATSCOPE Surveillance Tool Review
Tony Leonti is the designer of the SWATSCOPE by Micro-Times, LLC. He took time out at his very busy booth at SHOT Show 2012 to give us a tour of his tactical periscope. The SWATSCOPE is a hand held tactical sniper periscope that extends 22 1/2" above the operator and provides a safe view of hostile territory with a 4X to 9X zoom lens. The aluminum body of the scope is … [Read more...]
Tactical Pole Camera Operations
In this article, I'll discuss some basic tactical applications for the use of a pole camera in supporting of both Patrol and SWAT operations. Several years ago, while I was still a Team Leader in SWAT, our commander found some unspent funds at the end of a fiscal year. Since the money would go back into the municipality's general fund, we were urged to purchase any needed … [Read more...]
Police Tactics Used Against the Police
As I was reading another officer down article the other day, it struck me that our own tactics are the very ones being used so effectively against us. When I went to SWAT school in the late 80’s, most police teams visually resembled the British 22nd Special Air Service Regiment (SAS). You know, black BDU’s, black balaclava hoods, black nylon load-bearing vests, black … [Read more...]
Streamlight Sidewinder Compact Light
Information on the new Streamlight Sidewinder Compact flashlight designed for SWAT and combat troops to mount on their helmets. The BlueSheepdog.com staff recently attended the vendors’ exhibit at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida. While we were utterly blown away by Dillon Aero mini-guns, MRAP armored vehicles, and the latest … [Read more...]
Flashbang Accident Kills SWAT Officer
One kind of flashbang manufactured by CTS Combined Tactical Systems This week, a search warrant service when the accident occurred. Approximately 45 minutes after the operation, the officer was in his driveway at home “attempting to render his equipment safe” when the distraction device inadvertently exploded. He suffered massive internal injuries and efforts to … [Read more...]