What exactly is the secret to stopping an attacker with only your sidearm? I have long been fascinated with the topic of handgun stopping power. For almost 25 years, I read everything I could on the topic. I went to autopsies; spoke with coroners and emergency room physicians; interviewed people who had shot others in self-defense; pursued shooting reports from many law … [Read more...]
Search Results for: contact and cover
DUI Training – Personal Contact
PHASE II - PERSONAL CONTACT [EDITOR'S NOTE: Personal contact is the second part of a series on DUI Training for police. Other articles cover Walk and Turn, One Leg Stand, Vehicle in Motion, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus and specific safety concerns when conducting DUI investigations.] Here is where we begin to see police officers dropping the ball. … [Read more...]
DUI Training – Walk and Turn Test
In this Fourth article on the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST), I will review the Walk-and-Turn (WAT) test. The WAT is the second test in the NHTSA approved 3-test battery. The first is Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN), which I've covered in a previous article. The final SFST is the One Leg Stand (OLS) test, and there is another article covering that test. … [Read more...]
DUI Training – One Leg Stand
The information presented in this article is for discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice no actions should be taken based on it. You should consult with your department's legal counsel for guidance. The One-Leg-Stand (OLS) test is the final validated test in the NHTSA approved battery of three sobriety tests. Like the other two tests, the OLS is a divided attention … [Read more...]
Pennsylvania Trooper Shooting: Lessons Learned
In November of 2017, two Pennsylvania State Police Troopers were involved in a harrowing fight for their lives with a drug-induced motorist intent on killing them. The incident began when a Trooper conducted a vehicle stop of a speeding motorist on Route 33 in Nazareth, a town near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Stopping motorists committing a traffic violation is one of the most … [Read more...]
Officer Safety: Gun Grab During Interview
A few weeks ago a suspect was arrested for Murder in Cleveland, Ohio. Officers transported him to the police station for an interrogation by detectives. Once at the police station he was led to a video recorded interrogation room where a uniformed officer was present to guard him. At one point someone off camera instructs the uniformed officer to remove the handcuffs from the … [Read more...]
BSD Training Video – Seattle Police Shoot-Out
The information presented in this article is for discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice no actions should be taken based on it. You should consult with your department's legal counsel for guidance. The Seattle Police Department responded recently (December 6, 2015) to multiple calls of a suspicious man in several businesses. The male was described as sweating … [Read more...]
Here are all of the police training articles on BlueSheepdog.com. They are generally divided into specific categories, but there are still a lot that are listed in the "general" section because they did not neatly fit under one of the other headings. At a later point these might be broken out into additional categories to help in navigation. There are also … [Read more...]
Responding to Crimes in Progress
Responding to crimes in progress are different than the routine “see the lady” calls we normally get when a crime is discovered. When entering police work, most of us assumed that responding to crimes in progress was the standard call. Of course, most of us were also disappointed to discover that of all of the calls we respond to, only a fraction of them involve an actual … [Read more...]
Police Tactics Used Against the Police
As I was reading another officer down article the other day, it struck me that our own tactics are the very ones being used so effectively against us. When I went to SWAT school in the late 80’s, most police teams visually resembled the British 22nd Special Air Service Regiment (SAS). You know, black BDU’s, black balaclava hoods, black nylon load-bearing vests, black … [Read more...]