The United States 4th Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled in a firearms-related case that will have broad applications in regards to encounters between police officers and citizens lawfully carrying firearms for self-defense. This article will specifically address the case US v Robinson. For a broader look at police and citizen encounters, I recommend reading our other … [Read more...]
Search Results for: contact and cover
Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Arrives!
Smith & Wesson was a very popular location at the Industry Day at the Range this year as they unveiled their new M&P 2.0 pistols. The M&P 2.0 pistols have several enhanced features designed to improve the shooter's ability to manipulate and shoot the pistols. The M&P line has experienced a very good response since its return in 2005, but it has not been … [Read more...]
Restorative Sleep: A New Look at Sleeping on Duty
A few weeks ago the Force Science Institute posted an article about Restorative Sleep. The concept of Restorative Sleep involves scientific studies on the devastating impact to the human body and mind for officers and other emergency personnel who are required to work the overnight shift. The overnight shift more than any other is associated with fatigue and sleep … [Read more...]
Firearms Safety: Startle Fire
In two recent law enforcement involved shootings, officers unintentionally discharged their firearms under very stressful situations. Though the discharges may have occurred during felony or high risk situations, a police officer cannot discharge their firearm unless they deliberately intend to do so under lawful guidelines of Constitutional and Statutory authority. This type … [Read more...]
Deadly Force on Mentally Ill: Johnson v. City of Philadelphia
The United States 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals recently made a ruling on an officer's use of deadly force against a person suffering a mental disorder. The outcome of this case is extremely important for law enforcement officers not only in the U.S. 3rd Circuit, but across the nation. The U.S. 3rd Circuit has jurisdiction over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the U.S. … [Read more...]
G2 Research Adds .45 ACP Civic Duty
G2 Research has just released their new .45 ACP Civic Duty Ammunition. The Civic Duty line is one of four handgun ammunition lines offered by G2 Research, and its potential as a law enforcement or self-defense selection is substantial. The addition of .45 ACP expands the Civic Duty line to cover perhaps the two most popular handgun cartridges, the other being 9mm. G2 Research … [Read more...]
Failed Breach! Knowing Your Options.
BREACHING 101: If the initial breach fails, have pre-planned contingency plans to move to the second or third entry point. If that is not an option, prepare for surround and call-out, and establish a chemical agents and negotiations plan as well. During this training video the BlueSheepDog Crew will analyze a home-made video of a police SWAT team's failed breach attempt. As … [Read more...]
Utah v. Strieff: Admissible Evidence From Unlawful Stop
The BlueSheepDog Crew are committed to bringing our readers up-to-date posts on the tactics, training, firearms, and equipment used by today's law enforcement professionals. Part of that commitment has been our posting key judicial rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court and the Federal Appellate Courts. Our hope is the information will be reviewed by officers for insight and … [Read more...]
TFS: Frisk to Fleeing Felon
Making custodial arrests is one of the most dangerous job requirements in law enforcement. The proper control, handling, and searching of suspects has been shown to be a critical factor when officers are assaulted or killed. Statistics show as officers get more experienced, more "seasoned", they actually drop in their officer safety skills. When enforcement activities, even … [Read more...]
Force Science Institute: Passenger Side Approach Study
The Force Science Institute (FSI) just published a detailed study through the Law Enforcement Executive Forum on the benefits of the passenger side approach when conducting vehicle stops. The authors here at BlueSheepDog (BSD) have long been preaching the tactical benefits of this approach from our own experiences, and we are very excited to see a scientific study supporting … [Read more...]