Zistos is a proud American company providing the latest technology in surveillance cameras and digital transmission systems. One of their outstanding offerings is the StealthSCOPE SSM. A portable camera with IR technology, the StealthSCOPE SSM can provide officers critical intelligence prior to jumping off into the great unknown. Though the Zistos StealthSCOPE™ was … [Read more...]
Search Results for: contact and cover
United States v. Fermin – Building a Case on Reasonable Suspicion
The information presented in this article is for discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice. You should contact your department's legal counsel for guidance on the topics presented by the author. On November 14, 2014 the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals decided an appeal to a case involving the reasonable suspicion investigation of officers assigned to a High … [Read more...]
Stiegel v. Collins: Officer Pointing Gun During Terry Stop Reasonable
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The BlueSheepDog Crew strives to present precedent-bearing cases from the Federal Courts, or State Supreme Courts to help officers education themselves on the latest interpretations of laws and Constitutional actions. However, we do not present ourselves to be legal representatives in any way, and offer these Court decisions for informational purposes only. … [Read more...]
BSD Challenge – Officer Ambushed During Traffic Stop
https://youtu.be/1RZXZs-QgSI This article is a continuation of the 2015 BSD Challenge where we challenged officers to view at least one officer involved shooting (OIS) video per week. In an effort to spur that challenge we've decided to add our own videos from time to time. We will include instructional discussion points that we hope officers will ponder and perhaps implement … [Read more...]
Roll Call: A BSD Challenge Video!
A little over a week ago I started the Quarterly Challenge on BlueSheepDog. The intent of the challenge was to keep officers sharp on some of the most critical skills necessary to survive the streets. I haven't receive very many responses or comments so I have no idea how well the Q1 Challenge was received. There were four challenges included in the first quarter (Q1) … [Read more...]
Identifying the Barricaded Subject
The National Tactical Officer’s Association National Conference has concluded in Kansas City. One of the courses I was able to attend was a 4-hour session covering lessons learned on barricaded subject calls. Although tailored for tactical officers, the training brings light to difficult situations faced by patrol officers as well. This will be the first in a … [Read more...]
Critical Space: How to Effectively Shoot at Close Range
If you take a moment to consider a police officer’s real world of work, they do not kill the enemy as the military does; they seek out lawbreakers and take them into custody. That’s a HUGE difference in tactics! The military is constantly looking for ways to engage at greater distances (consider the dissatisfaction of the long-range killing power of the 5.56mm in … [Read more...]
KCPD Badge Placement Study 2011-2012
In the last few months I was made aware of an incredibly important study conducted by the Firearms Section of the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. The results of that study should have far-reaching implications for any officer who engages in enforcement action during an undercover assignment or while off-duty in plain clothes. The Background for Testing … [Read more...]
Using Ballistic Shields in CQB Environments
I am an advocate of ballistic shields. They are not only appropriate for law enforcement clearing (slow methodical mode) or safety clears, but, with current weight reductions, can be employed in the slow dynamic technique mode which is a bridge technique between dynamic entries and law enforcement clears. Slow Dynamic Technique Explained Today’s Level IIIA shields are … [Read more...]
Ankle Holsters: Convenient, but Deadly
The first time I saw an ankle holster was in the 1971 Academy Award winning movie, The French Connection. I was in high school at the time and I hadn’t even thought about a law enforcement career. My total focus was on two things: girls and sports – in that order! I saw the movie at the drive-in and I was immediately taken by the concept of strapping a gun to one’s leg. It was … [Read more...]