[Ed. note: This training article and video are on the firearm handling technique known as Position Sul. Position Sul is not a replacement for the low ready, rather it is an alternative that officers can use depending on the circumstances, training and department policies. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome in the comments at the end of the article.] During the last 25 … [Read more...]
Search Results for: contact and cover
Glass Breaking Tools for Police
Breaking glass, especially automobile glass, is a lot harder than you might think. I've seen police officers fruitlessly beat on a driver's window with an ASP baton and do more damage to their egos than to the glass. I've also seen a teenager break out a car window with nothing more than a piece of an old spark plug. So, what gives? As with all things in life, there … [Read more...]
In Pursuit of the Ultimate Retention Holster
The retention-style duty holsters fielded today represent a quantum leap over earlier designs in that the handgun can be drawn very quickly by the practiced user, but make unauthorized removal extremely difficult. There is no such thing as a “snatchproof” holster. Given enough time and opportunity, any holster can be defeated. However, the holster manufacturers have come up … [Read more...]
Pre-Attack Indicators
In my Seminars (Arresting Communication, The Warrior’s Edge, and Ultimate Survival Instincts), officer safety is addressed from the perspective of communication. We address the unconscious aspect of the human mind and its inadvertent part in displaying cues that indicate pending attack. As mentioned in my last article about Scanning, specific nonverbal signals communicate … [Read more...]
Edged Weapons: Dismiss Them at Your Own Peril
For some reason, a lot of police officers do not treat knives and other edged weapons as a serious threat. Yet, on average, 1358 officers each year are attacked with an edged weapon. The breaks down to 3 to 4 edged weapon assaults per day on police officers. I imagine that some of this complacency comes from the fact that here in the USA, nearly everyone is walking around … [Read more...]
Combat Pistol Shooting: My 2 Cents
Ed. note: This article, Combat Pistol Shooting, is written by Aaron, one of our long-time authors. Here on Bluesheepdog.com Richard has already posted an article titled “Gunfights happen up close ... except when they don’t”. In that article Richard explores a dangerous trend and philosophy of law enforcement firearms instructors to train officers to shoot without using … [Read more...]
Criminal Interdiction Review
Every year, thousands of tons of drugs, stolen property and other contraband are transported thoughout the United States in cars, trucks and commercial vehicles. When you make a traffic stop for an expired tag, how can you recognize if the driver is someone involved in a major criminal enterprise? That's where the book Criminal Interdiction comes in. Written by Steven … [Read more...]
Field Training Officer
Field training officer is one of the most important assignments in law enforcement. It is in the police field training program that rookie officers learn how to apply what they learned in the academy, and the field training officer (FTO) can imprint the values of the department on the recruit. Field training officers shoulder a huge burden, and these articles are here to … [Read more...]
DUI Training Articles
This is a list of DUI enforcement training articles. These articles were written by one of our staff writers who has extensive drunk driving enforcement experience and training. If you deal with intoxicated drivers, this is a "must read" series of articles. If you work in any kind of patrol capacity, you encounter intoxicated people on a regular basis. … [Read more...]
Reasonable Force vs. Least Force
The information presented in this article is for discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice no actions should be taken based on it. You should consult with your department's legal counsel for guidance. The department policy manual is a good guide to doing your job. The manual is an excellent reference for topics such as the proper way to dispose of found property, … [Read more...]