Field training programs have been a successful part of training new officers in many police agencies for more than 40 years. But, how does the model work for training and evaluating officers with prior experience? Trainers know that adults learn differently and have different learning goals than younger students. Do experience officers transferring from another agency have … [Read more...]
Search Results for: contact and cover
Traffic Stop Safety
Over many years of police work I’ve come to appreciate the fact that cops hate the repetitive aspects of the job. Whatever the repetitive task, people always look for short-cuts. Often we can get away with it, but sometimes times those short-cuts are taking us down a path that will lead to disaster. One of the most frequently conducted activities of the patrol … [Read more...]
How to Fly with a Gun
Ed. note: This article answers the question of how to fly with a gun. However, laws and airport regulations change over time. This is not legal advice and you must check the current regulations before heading to the airport. How do you safely and legally fly with a gun? I was traveling to Washington, D.C. with a fellow officer on a trip to the National Law Enforcement … [Read more...]
Safe Window Breaking—Types of Glass
Learning how to break glass safely is an integral part of a police officer's job. From rescuing people in burning vehicles to forcing entry on a hostage rescue, there are many incidents in which an officer needs to safely break a window. Please note that I am not discussing the legal aspects of forcing entry either under exigent circumstances or with a warrant. Those are … [Read more...]
The Back Up Gun
Back up guns are a standard piece of equipment for many agencies and officers, yet I still run into officers who don't understand the need or use for them. Worse, I still talk to administrators who think they are useless or the tools of dirty cops. In this series of articles, I will attempt to address why officers should carry a back up gun (BUG), what kind of gun to … [Read more...]
Police Response to Critical Incidents
[Ed. note: This is part two of a police training series on Tactical Patrol. The other articles cover Mindset and Patrol Rifles.] In this article I’d like to discuss a few of the most common critical incident calls where understanding the priority of life is critical to making a proper police response, especially for the initial patrol officers on … [Read more...]
DUI Training – The Drunk Driver
Recently, I was talking to some officers about the finer skills of detecting impaired drivers, and I got a lot of glassy eyed looks in return. The one area that turns more cops away from DUI enforcement (other than the time and paperwork required) is the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST). Most cops avoid getting into a situation that may make them look flustered, more … [Read more...]
DUI Training – Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
The information presented in this article is for discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice no actions should be taken based on it. You should consult with your department's legal counsel for guidance. EDITOR'S NOTE: Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus testing is Part 3 of a DUI Training series. Other articles cover Vehicle in Motion, Personal Contact, Walk … [Read more...]
D.U.I. Investigations – Safety Considerations
[Ed. note - This is the final part of a six part DUI Training series. Prior articles covered One Leg Stand, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn, Vehicle in Motion and Personal Contact.] In my previous articles on D.U.I. investigations I tried to refresh and condense the basics of locating, contacting, and testing suspected impaired drivers. In … [Read more...]
Flashlight Tactics
There have been tremendous advances in flashlight technology over that last decade, and law enforcement has greatly benefited from the many new features that can be found on relatively inexpensive flashlights. Along with those advances have come new techniques for using an indispensable tool. Advances in LED technology have allowed manufacturers like Streamlight, Surefire, … [Read more...]